Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Previous two episodes!

In the past two episodes the girls resolved their issues with one another. But something that no one saw coming happened. Vinny and Angelina as we all know do not get along for the most part. They are always saying stuff about each other that obviously aren't good things. But it so happened that Vinny and Angelina hooked up one night. They were both pretty intoxicated. But the worst part is Angelina has been seeing this guy name Jose. He has been buy her everything she wants and treats her right. Then she goes behind his back and does this. But the situation gave her no choice but to tell Jose what happened at the club one night. Jose thought her "hooking up" with Vinny just meant that she kissed him....yeah right. But she is going to let Jose think that. Another exciting thing that happened was that Vinny's mom came to see him. She ended up bring all his cousins and his uncle. They all had a great time and Vinny loved every minute of it!

In these episodes Pauly D and Vinny try to get serious with these two girls. They kept saying they weren't like any other girl. These were the type you had to take on dates and not just smoosh them. So the next day after they met these girls, Vinny and Pauly set up a double date. The boys went and got their hair cut, bought new outfits, and also bought the girls flowers. They were pretty pumped about it. Pauly's girl came over to go out with him, but Vinny's girl never showed up. She basically ditched him. I feel pretty bad for Vinny in this episode because he is the sweetest guy ever and basically got shut down. But i hope that Vinny isn't upset to much longer because he is not himself.

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