Monday, September 6, 2010

Grenade Free Zone

In these episodes Snookie told Angelina the only way the girls will respect her at all is if she apologizes for all the drama she has caused in the past. Angelina decided to swallow her pride and talk to the girls. The girls ended up excepting her apology. So now the only tension in the house is between Sammy and Ron. Sammy and Ron are now together but he is still creeping behind her back at the bars. At this point Sammy is really getting on my nerves because she is totally oblivious to what is going on. Some of the roommates know but really aren't quite sure how to bring it up to Sam. The one night that Mike, Vinny, and Pauly had a "MVP" night.
 They brought some girls back to the house. So it has been seen, when they were in the hot tub with them they saw one of the girls fake boobs floating in the water. As quoted from the situation "As soon as we saw the fake boob, we had to get them outta here, because this is a Grenade Free Zone." Mike, Vinny, and Pauly had a close encounter with grenades (which are bigger ugly girls) in the hot tub, but Mike knows how to get them out of these types of situations.

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