Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Letter part two and friends with benefits

In this episode Sammy tries to get to the bottom of who wrote the letter. Everyone in the house is pointing fingers to Snookie and J Woww. The next day Angelina and Sammy worked together at the shop. Angelina told Sammy that it was J Woww and Snookie who wrote the letter. Later that night Angelina told the girls that they should just tell Sammy. The girls then send Angelina into the house to get Sammy so the girls can talk to her. Sammy was still upset about the letter and had a feeling it was Snookie and J Woww. So she still is a little upset about it. Angelina comes in to tell Sammy that the girls want to talk to her outside, Sammy  then just says that she isn't going out there and if they want to talk they can come to her. Angelina then goes outside to relay the message. J Woww didn't like the response that Sammy gave Angelina. J Woww then goes into the house and starts giving Sammy attitude. By this time all of the girls are screaming at each other and all the guys are just sitting there watching this huge cat fight. Sammy then says she just wants them to fess up to writing the letter. Still the girls stand there and say nothing about them writing the letter. This makes Sammy even more mad. So before you know it Sammy and J Woww are hitting each other and pulling hair. All of this still isn't resolved. And that is how the episode ends.
The second big event that happens in this episode is that Snookie and Vinny hook up.She got up early the next morning and got out of Vinny's room quick so he didn't wake up and wonder why she was in his bed. She states that it wasn't awkward,but now she knows more about him then she thought she would ever know.

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