Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bus Full of Gingers and Crazies is now in the building!

My first guest posting ever! YAY! I have my own blog which is kinda how I came across FIST PUMPING LIKE CHAMPS. Let me start off by saying how honored I am to have been invited to write for this blog.

To begin, I would like it to be known that I am NOT a fan of this show. I watched the entire first season. After that I came to the assumption that my time was more well spent on other ridiculous reality shows. LOL But THOCK brings a realness to the characters. I found myself clicking next after every entry. I began to see all the Guido's on the show as more than just Guido's. They are real people like you and me. They just happen to be a part of a highly televised well edited show. MTV has always been good at showing people in the form of clips and bad camera angles. After all that is how they get the ratings up. I mean who would watch someones normal everyday life? Not me that's for sure.

Jersey Shore portrays what life is like when you have a couple camera men following you around to your local hot spots at night. Of course Mike gets a lot of chicks. Those girls are looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. On any normal day a guy like Mike would be laughed at for his over confident behavior that is barely backed up. Throw a couple cameras into the mix and a giant house with a hot tub and a lot of alcohol and any man would feel like Gods gift to women. LOL

Moving on to Snooki... Would Snooki be such a hot mess without the show? The answer seems to be no. She had a normal up bringing for the most part. She was a high school cheerleader. Popular and Perky. Fame seems to bring access to bad habits. She seems to frequently fall off the deep end. Meaning she gets herself in situations that are harmful and dramatic. I mentioned earlier I watched the first season. I saw that original airing of the episode where a full grown man clocked her in the face. I will give her credit for taking it like a man but I feel like if the cameras were not there she would not let the situation escalate the way it did. Yet another reason I was not willing to watch the second season.

As far as Sammi and Roni. Maybe Sammi does not watch the show. Because had she watched it she may see how scandalist Roni is. He has played that girl time and time again. If I was her I would have used the show to my advantage. I would have DVR'd it and played back all his indescresions. He is not worth the fight and arguement. Sammi deserves better I just think she has trouble seeing and believing that.

Maybe my real issue with this show is the lack of morals with the producers. Not so much with the cast. They are just living this new found life that MTV kindly enough provided for them. While I have no urge to watch the show religiously, as some do. I will no longer avoid it like the plague. Both my sister, my mother, and a few of my friends watch the show every week. I promise to never make fun of them again for it. I may even watch a rerun or two. Thank You THOCK for helping me see this cast as normal everyday people thrown onto this wild ride we call reality tv.

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