Friday, October 29, 2010


The Jersey Shore reunion that MTV had on last night was very eventful. Each of the cast members got to come together once again. But unfortunately Angelina didn't make it to the reunion. (Even though no one missed her!) The host had the chance to talk with the cast members about many different events that went on during season 2. The boys explained what MVP really meant and how important MVP night really is. The host also asked how "cabs are here" and "oh yeah" came a daily saying for Pauly D. Pauly simply said " It is a nightmare getting 8 people ready to to the club," " So when i yell cabs are here, they all know it is time to go." He seems to think this method really helped. Another event that they had to bring up was how Mike had a situation with a tran-ade. A tran-ade is a transsexual grenade. Mike says that this guy really looked like a girl but he blamed it on the alcohol. And of course they talked about the letter. I'm pretty sure Sam still has cold feelings about J Woww. I personally love watching the reunion because they play deleted scenes, and it is hilarious to watch them. But all the cast members are totally pumped about next season and all of there fans are excited too!
(Video of the tran-ade Mike encountered)

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