Thursday, October 28, 2010

End of Season 2

In this episode the house members got the chance to go to the everglades. So they spent the day site seeing and hanging out with alligators. After they were done with their tour they went and eat at a local restaurant. The food there was all deep fried seafood,including frogs! After they left the restaurant and headed back home, Mike had Ronny pull over so he could release all the nasty things he just had consumed at the restaurant. I guess it wasn't as good as he thought.

 Also Vinny and Pauly went on their last dates with their girls. They each took their girls to  special restaurant to enjoy their last night together. Pauly D and Vinny both think that they have found the perfect girls for them from Miami.

That night after the boys were done on their dates all the roommates decided to spend the night at home together. But that night didn't go as planned with the roommates. They started the night out with playing a game. The game was to vote for people who was the most of something. Like Pauly D was the most likely to get skin cancer. They all had different categories that they were voting each other in. Then Mike came up with the an idea. The said who was the most fake person in the house. He voted for J Woww. No one said anything, and then they ended the game. Snookie said that Pauly D and Vinny agreed with Mike by knodding their heads when he said J Woww was fake. J Woww then confronted Pauly and Vinny. Next thing you know is the roommates are fighting. Pauly never gets mad but when he does he has veins popping out everywhere! Just like every fight, it blew over and they relized they were all leaving and can't be fighting like this. But the next day they all packed their bags and said their goodbyes to one another. Everyone was said and couldn't believe that this day came so quick that they needed to say goodbye. Their big family was once again broken up. But there is still tension between J Woww and Sam. When Sam left she just gave J Woww the cold shoulder and didn't say bye, she just left. So I guess that we will have to see what will happen on the reunion between them, and what next season will bring us!

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